Hi. I’m Anthony Prestia.

I’m a privacy attorney who makes bots, games, frameworks, and various Internet things. I used to do privacy at Snap; now I'm building TerraTrue. This site is where I share a selection of personal projects.

Selected Bots

  • greatartbot (also @greatartbot@botsin.space) is a fully automated artist that creates four images a day and publishes them to Twitter (and Mastodon). An early version of greatartbot’s source code is available on GitHub.
  • MTGANthering recreated Magic the Gathering's entire Alpha set using CLIP+VQGAN and the incredible Scryfall API. This will be my last bot like this, as I'm uncomfortable with how these AI tools exploit the work of countless uncredited artists.
  • muzeumbot creates low-res, slightly bizarre images by combining Open Access images from the Met (via museumbot) with palettes from COLOURlovers. Powered by uncontext.
  • maderradar uses publicly available data and a few co-conspirators to create a crowd-sourced tracking mechanism for a single individual.
  • playlightsout is a Twitter port of Lights Out, and the first (as far as I know) graphical game on the Twitter.

Some Other Projects

  • fiddly.net is a website where I post detailed guides and information about my latest side projects. These days, it's mostly cars.
  • The Greatartbot Registry is a centralized, mutable ledger that records meaningless links to digital gewgaws.
  • hxgk-flixel is a haxe library that adds Apple Game Center support to iOS projects developed using HaxeFlixel.
  • twixel is an iOS extension for HaxeFlixel that adds Twitter support.
  • textmate-synthcity is a TextMate (or Sublime Text) theme based on Steph Thirion’s synthcity color palette.