I’m a privacy attorney who makes bots, games, frameworks, and various Internet things. I used to do privacy at Snap; now I'm building TerraTrue. This site is where I share a selection of personal projects.
Selected Bots
greatartbot (also @greatartbot@botsin.space) is a fully automated artist that creates four images a day and publishes them to Twitter (and Mastodon). An early version of greatartbot’s source code is available on GitHub.
MTGANthering recreated Magic the Gathering's entire Alpha set using CLIP+VQGAN and the incredible Scryfall API. This will be my last bot like this, as I'm uncomfortable with how these AI tools exploit the work of countless uncredited artists.
muzeumbot creates low-res, slightly bizarre images by combining Open Access images from the Met (via museumbot) with palettes from COLOURlovers. Powered by uncontext.
maderradar uses publicly available data and a few co-conspirators to create a crowd-sourced tracking mechanism for a single individual.
playlightsout is a Twitter port of Lights Out, and the first (as far as I know) graphical game on the Twitter.
Some Other Projects
fiddly.net is a website where I post detailed guides and information about my latest side projects. These days, it's mostly cars.
The Greatartbot Registry is a centralized, mutable ledger that records meaningless links to digital gewgaws.
hxgk-flixel is a haxe library that adds Apple Game Center support to iOS projects developed using HaxeFlixel.
twixel is an iOS extension for HaxeFlixel that adds Twitter support.
textmate-synthcity is a TextMate (or Sublime Text) theme based on Steph Thirion’s synthcity color palette.